Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Pet Lizard

Well, so I'm a little different. Stop looking so scandalised. They make really good pets, once you get over your fear.

I was wondering how to solve the problem of boredom when I suddenly espied a huge shape moving over the wall. I looked carefully. It was the most massive, eerie-looking, tan coloured lizard I have ever seen. It was probably more muscular than I'll ever manage to be and I shrank away, dazed.

Then it slowly danced all over the place, eating up mosquitoes and cockroaches. Realisation dawned and I promptly fell in love with Sam. My pet lizard.


Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Shilpa Garg said...

Lizard a pet! Amazing!
I'd shriek like a 5 year old on seeing one!!

Shivani said...

I shriek like a 5 year old too....but imagine if I had one to do my bidding :-) hehe...