Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Kiss

I knew I was a gonner the moment I looked into his eyes. Those jet black whirlpools of infinite secrets sucked me in and I lost all sense of time.

He looked intensely into my eyes and pulled me towards him in an embrace. I shuddered at his touch and looked up into his smiling face. Oh God! He had got to be the hottest creature I had ever laid eyes upon.

My heart thundered in my chest as I tried to remember how to breathe. Yeah, in deeply then out, got it. I exhaled slowly as my gaze lowered to his lips. Their lush fullness promising untold pleasures was temptation enough without him making it even more irresistible with a slow tantalizing smile that showed glimpses of his fabulous teeth.

And before I knew it, his face swooped down upon mine and his warm luscious lips captured mine in a deep passionate kiss. I was lost to all humanity. I closed my eyes and gave myself up to that feeling. His lips were warm and soft and...demanding. They coaxed and cajoled and teased. I decided I had died and gone to heaven.

Suddenly I felt a terrible coldness. Alarmed, I opened my eyes and found myself alone in the midst of smouldering fires, dancing dervishes, red skies and skeletons. I looked around in fear as they mocked me through sightless eyes, their cackling the sound of pure evil. Realisation dawned.

I hadn't died and gone to heaven.

I had died and gone to hell.

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