Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Break

Unlike the quick 5 minute tea breaks twice a day and a half an hour break for lunch that most persons in my profession are accustomed to (considering they tend to avoid wasting time - working 20 hours a day does sort of sap your energy a bit), my group makes a statement. We take a half hour break for tea at least thrice a day and a 1-2 hour break for lunch.

Not that we have no work to do - no siree! We have more work than the local government of three countries put together but minor things like that don't stand in the way of efficiency. Not at all.

It all started when one of our Einsteins read an article in the newspaper extolling the virtues of taking breaks while working to keep the mind and body fresh. He quickly called a meeting and we unanimously agreed that this was the primary reason we weren't getting enough awards. We started off our new routine immediately. We saunter into office around 11 when most others are preparing to get ready for lunch and convene for the first share-the-news tea break session. At 1, we go off for lunch followed by a leisurely walk around the campus. At 3 again, its time for our cuppa. By 4 of course all of us have already gone home.

When do we work? Don't be silly. How can you keep stress away if you work? Take a break!

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