Saturday, February 2, 2008


What kind of an idiot wakes up at 6 in the morning only to go to a gym where they make you run miles and lift more weights than the normal coolie?

Yeah, me.

But before you write me off as a complete disaster, there is a much deeper mystery behind my seemingly idiotic behaviour. Can't believe me? Read on, skeptic, read on...

The normal human is awakened rudely by the tintinabulation of a telephone. Or the shrieks of an alarm clock. Me, I'm awakened by a combination of both. Oh, well.

What motivates me to get my lazy butt off the bed? The gorgeous hunk who picks me up in the morning.

Ah, getting interesting is it?

Still finding it difficult to believe anyone would wake up at 6? Join me in the gym and find out!

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